Sunday, May 01, 2011

New release: Find, Learn, Do

I've just released the next version of Trexy. 

In this release I've added some interesting features: search action buttons and user added content.

Trexy's results now appear in three sections: find (user trails), learn (user content), do (user actions). These are designed to equate with the three different types of search intent: navigational, informational and transactional. 

User actions enable the user to click on bespoke "action" buttons in the search results. This is really exciting as users can define one-click actions to help other users perform transactions fast! I'm looking forward to seeing how our users will put this to good use.

Your feedback is very welome:

1 comment:

Daus Luid said...

Dengan kata lain, dengan asumsi Anda adalah salah satu pembuka awal seperti di kursi pertama, atau kedua, atau bahkan ketiga, dan Anda membuka eith sepasang ‘Jacks’, kemungkinan besar bahwa seseorang telah telah Anda dipukuli dengan sepasang Aces