Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Bye Bye Jeeves

Last night we had a great dinner with one of our partners and then it was off to a club called "Code Red" for the AskJeeves party.

By the time we got to the party it was well under way. We were wondering how Ask.com was going to say goodbye to Jeeves and it didn't take long for us to work it out. Two Star Wars Stormtroopers stood ominously on stage guarding a lifesize bust of Jeeves frozen in "carbonite". Bobba Fett stood guard too in a scene reminiscent of Han Solo's carbonite freezing by Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars Episode V.

We were a bit sad to see the end of a trade mark ... but then that's how the audience felt when Han Solo was frozen. Could Jeeves come back one day?

Meg and I couldn't resist getting one last photo of Jeeves. Coming soon ...

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