Friday, May 27, 2005

It's like a love letter to yourself.

For my 30th birthday present, a group of friends gave me a gift voucher for a weekend away at the Mistley Thorn Hotel with a cooking class at the Mistley Kitchen.

I had registered for a cooking class in June but realised I can no longer attend it. Last night I searched for the Mistley Kitchen website on MSN with the Trailbar installed and blazed a trail. I wanted to see what other classes are available later in the year. After finding the cooking class schedule on their site, I decided that the Thai class in September looked good. It was getting late so I stopped searching and went to bed.

This morning I decided to email the Chef at the Mistley Kitchen to ask whether it is possible to change courses. To do this I needed the following information:
  • what's their website address again?
  • what are the details of the Thai class I want to register for?
  • what is the email address of the chef?

To find this information again, I would have normally re-constructed my complete search from last night. Which search engine did I use? What keywords did I use? Which links did I click on to find the class schedule?

Instead this morning, knowing that I had blazed a trail last night, I searched on 'My Trails'.

My trails for Mistley Thorn showed exactly where I had searched the night before. A trail contains individual links to the pages I visited. So I could quickly link to the Mistley Kitchen schedule to find the details of the Thai cooking class in September and the contact email address without having to re-search for it all.

It is likely I'll need to re-visit their site in the future too. For example, just before the weekend away I'll need to double check the address of the hotel to work out the best travel arrangements. And if I really like the Mistley Thorn I might be tempted to email friends about it. Having a trail to rely on is like a creating a love letter for yourself into the future.

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